Honor Pledge

On my honor, as a member of the UTMB community, I pledge to act with integrity,
compassion and respect in all my academic and professional endeavors.

This pledge was created and endorsed by UTMB students. These expectations are part of the professional academic evaluation of students in all courses and serve as a capstone to the UTMB Honor Policy (Conduct and Discipline Policy) and other codes and statement of principles of the UTMB Schools.

For more information about these policies see the Institutional Handbook of Policies and Procedures (IHOP), Section 7.1.3. Student Conduct and Discipline. You can search University IHOP site at UTMB IHOP.

The UTMB Honor Policy “applies to violations of academic integrity and conduct” and identifies the general responsibilities of all students and faculty (see below); violations of academic integrity; the disciplinary process and possible penalties. The Student Affairs Deans of the four schools are responsible for the administration of the disciplinary process. In those cases in which the student disputes the charges a Hearing Panel, comprised of three faculty members, will be appointed.

“General Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of every student, faculty member and administrative official to initiate a disciplinary complaint when scholastic dishonesty or other misconduct is involved” UTMB IHOP Section 7.1.3. Student Conduct and Discipline: General Responsibilities.

NOTE: The Pledge was first used at Fall Orientation in August 2002

Lee Hage Jamail Student Center

Mailing Address:
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, Texas 77555-1316
(409) 747-9055
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