Patricia Beach MD is a Professor of Pediatrics and member of the John P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. She is the director of the Division of General Academic Pediatrics and the director of the continuity clinics for the UTMB Pediatric Residency Program.
Virginia Niebuhr PhD is a Professor of Pediatrics and member of the Academy of Master Teachers at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. She is a Pediatric Psychologist and medical educator. She has received the designation of Distinguished Teaching Professor by the UT System.
Drs. Beach and Niebuhr have provided collaborative care to many patients with ADHD, mood disorders and autism spectrum disorders.
This module was created as part of the ADAPT (anyday-anyplace teaching) Faculty Learning Community. It was created with Wimba Create and all images are from Microsoft Office Online Clip Art. ADAPT was funded by Innovations in Education from the Office of Health Affairs, University of Texas System, 2008-2011, and implemented at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).