Development: Normal and Disordered
A Chapter in Core Concepts of Pediatrics, 2nd Edition
Development: Normal and Disordered
Development: Normal and Disordered
Know the Age
Know the Age
The Roles of the Pediatrician
The Roles of the Pediatrician
Role #1: Educate Parents About Expected Development
The Roles of the Pediatrician, cont.
Role #2: Conduct Developmental Surveillance
Formal Developmental Screening Tools
Parent Report Instruments
Direct Observation Instruments
Consider all Domains
The Roles of the Pediatrician, cont.
Role #3: Refer for Comprehensive Assessment
More info: sources for developmental assessment
The Roles of the Pediatrician, cont.
Role #4: Search for Etiology
Role #5: Facilitate Intervention
Behavior Problems
Behavior Problems
Common Problems
Neurodevelopmental and Mood Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Common Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Neurodevelopmental and Mood Disorders
Assessment Overview
Special Notes
Conduct disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Resources and References
Resources and References
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