Iron Deficiency Anemia

Nov 8, 2019, 00:00 AM by Dr. Sally Robinson

Iron deficiency anemia is the world’s most common single-nutrient deficiency.  Iron is a mineral needed by our bodies. Iron is part of all cells and does many things in our bodies. One way is as part of the protein hemoglobin which carries oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies.  Too little hemoglobin is called anemia.  Iron also helps our muscles store and use oxygen.

Iron is part of many enzymes and is used in many cell functions. Enzymes help our bodies digest food. When the human body is deficient of iron it is of concern because it can do the following:

  • Iron deficiency can delay normal infant motor activity and thinking and processing skills.
  • Iron deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risk of having small or early preterm babies.
  • Iron deficiency can cause fatigue and may affect memory and other mental functions in teens.

Young children and pregnant women are at higher risk of iron deficiency because of rapid growth and higher iron needs. Among children, iron deficiency is seen most often between six months and three years of age.  Infants and children at highest risk are the following:

  • Babies who were born early or small
  • Babies given cow’s milk before age 12 months
  • Breastfed babies who after 6 months are not given plain iron-fortified cereals or another good source of iron rich foods.
  • Children aged 1-5 years who get more than 24 ounces of cow, goat or soymilk per day.
  • Children who have special health care needs such as chronic infection or restricted diets.

Universal screening for anemia should be preformed at approximately 12 months of age. The most common screening is a hemoglobin test which measures the hemoglobin protein that carries oxygen to your body.  However these tests are not usually decreased until the later stages of iron deficiency.

How to prevent iron deficiency? Eat iron rich foods. If possible for babies, breastfeed your baby for at least 12 months and starting at 4-6 months give your baby iron-fortified cereal and/or pureed meat. Just two servings a day should meet your baby’s needs.  Also at 6 months begin a food rich in vitamin C which improves iron absorption.  If you can’t breast feed use an iron-fortified formula until at least 12 months of age.

Iron rich foods are as follows:

  • Meat, fish, poultry, and egg yolks which contain heme iron which is about 20% absorbed
  • Dark leafy greens, beans and fortified breads and grains, soy products which contain nonheme iron

Nonheme iron is absorbed better when eaten with foods rich in Vitamin C such as citrus, fruits, cauliflower, and broccoli.

You can also ask your doctor for a list of iron rich foods and Vitamin C rich foods. Remember that too much iron from drops can also be dangerous.

The impact of iron deficiency on mental functions may not be reversible with iron treatment so it is better to prevent it in the first place.

Published 11/08/2019

Sally Robinson, MD  Clinical Professor
Keeping Kids Healthy

Also See:  UTMB Pediatrics - Pediatric Primary Care


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