Electron Microscopy Laboratory

Electron Microscopy Laboratory in the Department of Pathology performs classical thin-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of epoxy resin-embedded samples, immuno-gold TEM, negative staining of purified and concentrated particles (viruses, VLPs, vesicles, exosomes, etc.) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Laboratory is located in Keiller building, room 2.102.

V Popov -11-7-18
Director, Electron Microscopy
Vsevolod L. Popov, PhD, DSc
Email: vpopov@utmb.edu
Tel: (409) 747-2423
Zhixia Ding-11-7-18
Zhixia Ding, BS
Email: zhding@utmb.edu
Tel: (409) 772-2597

To discuss your experiment(s), sample preparation, and possible use of TEM and/or SEM please contact Dr. Popov at vpopov@utmb.edu.