Graduate Training in Experimental Pathology
It takes approximately five years to obtain a doctoral degree in Experimental Pathology. The primary activities that engage students during Years 1-5 are outlined below:
Year 1.
In the first term, students take core courses (Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics) offered as part of the Basic Biomedical Science Curriculum (BBSC). The BBSC is a contemporary, integrated, multidisciplinary curriculum that provides a strong basic training in biomedical sciences prior to a specialized Program-specific course of study. In Year 1 (terms II and III), students engage a Program-specific course of study and complete laboratory rotations the second half of Term I. Students are fully supported by the GSBS in Year 1.
Year 2.
Students complete EPGP course of study and a qualifying examination process that includes both written and oral qualifying examination components according to guidelines created by the Student Evaluation and Advisory Committee (SEAC). Upon passing the
qualifying examination, students begin developing their dissertation projects in order to advance to doctoral candidacy early in their third year. Second year students also participate in the weekly Experimental Pathology Work in Progress (WIP) (PATH
6115) and are required to give an introductory seminar (30 minutes) on their current research. The WIP seminars are attended by faculty, students, post-doctoral trainees and others, who provide input and suggestions to help trainees improve their
project and presentation skills. EPGP students are also expected to attend other campus seminars including Frontiers of Infectious Diseases (PATH 6145).
Year 3.
Students are heavily involved in their research and other activities including journal clubs and research in progress presentations. In the first term, students must divide their time between laboratory research and drafting a dissertation proposal that
they will defend orally in order to formally advance to doctoral candidacy by the end of the spring term (May). Primary direction and day-to-day guidance is provided by the mentor. Students are also drafting proposals to apply for extramural and intramural
support. Students may attend local, national, and international scientific meetings to present their research findings.
Year 4.
Students are heavily involved in their laboratory research and other activities including research in progress presentations. Semiannual meetings with the Supervisory Committee to update research progress are required and final project revisions are approved
by their Supervisory Committee. Students typically present their work at regional, national, and international scientific meetings and consider the final stages of research leading to their dissertation defense. Students typically attend local, national,
and international scientific meetings to present their research findings.
Year 5.
In the first term, students are completing laboratory experiments, writing and submitting scientific manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication, and drafting their dissertation. They attend local, national, and international scientific meetings to present
research findings and network to identify potential postdoctoral training opportunities. The doctoral studies culminate on dissertation defense day when the trainee orally presents and defends their research in public and private forums. If the Supervisory
Committee is satisfied and all course requirements have been fulfilled, the dissertation is approved, the student is awarded the PhD degree.
The Department of Pathology Annual Trainee Research Day has been held annually since 1995 and provides an opportunity for all faculty, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows to meet and present their latest research
at a poster session forum. Other activities include Researcher of the Year award and presentation during lunch, monetary awards for best poster presentations (sponsored by faculty and the Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases), and
the Graduate Student Organization recognition of faculty for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring. In 2020, there were 30 poster presentations and Researcher of the Year was Dr. Sanjeev Sahni who presented “My Scientific Odyssey Thus Far: From
Malaria to Rickettsia and In-between.”