Eye and Ear Clinical Research Center


Stacy M. Schreiber-Lopez, BS, MA - Senior Clinical Research Coordinator

Stacy M. Schreiber-Lopez serves the University of Texas Medical Branch as Senior Clinical Research Coordinator for the Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Otolaryngology and the Eye and Ear Clinical Research Center. Stacy earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Master of Arts degree in Behavioral Science-Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Before joining the University of Texas Medical Branch, she served as Coordinator of the University of Houston-Clear Lake’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Faculty Research Support Funds Committee (FRSF).

Prior to her work in academia, Stacy was the owner of a Jury and Trial Consulting firm specializing in conducting quantitative research, data analysis and reporting on individual human behaviors and group dynamics as they relate to litigation and jury decision-making. She has published articles in several legal publications and has been a featured speaker at legal conferences throughout the United States.

You can find Stacy in her office in the University Eye Center, room 3.420C, contact her at (409) 747-5483 or smschrei@utmb.edu.