OVS Residency Program

Current Residents




PGY-1We have a Joint-Ophthalmology resident program with the Internal Medicine department. Our PGY-1 resident information can be found on the Internal Medicine website, with the listing IM-Ophthalmology. Click here.

Chief Resident Information

The Chief Resident position at UTMB is open to all incoming PGY-4 Ophthalmology residents in good standing. Any interested resident is encouraged to apply for the position, which is decided based on several factors including resident and faculty input via anonymous survey feedback. We also ask for all interested candidates to complete an application, and each candidate is interviewed by the Program Director and Chair as well. Our Chief Resident serves as a peer leader for the residency program and as a liaison between faculty, residents, and staff in our department. We also ask each Chief Resident to complete a legacy project during their year of service that they envision, design, and implement. The goal of the legacy project is for the Chief to pursue an area of the program that they feel passionate about improving, to “leave the program better than when they found it”. Our previous Chiefs’ legacy projects have ranged from revamping of the surgical education curriculum to renovating and updating the resident lounge.