The Office of Team Science collaborates closely with both the Office of Innovation, the Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of the Provost, and Office of the President at UTMB to facilitate successful external partnerships that drive research impact, secure funding for collaborative research, and align to institutional strategic goals. By leveraging the expertise of these offices, we streamline the process of developing research agreements and intellectual property management, ensuring that partnerships are beneficial and compliant with institutional and regulatory standards. This integrated approach enhances UTMB’s ability to engage with industry, government, and academic partners effectively.
We organize and manage visits from external stakeholders, including industry representatives, government agencies, and academic partners, providing them with insights into UTMB’s research capabilities and opportunities for collaboration.
The office works closely with UTMB’s legal and research administration teams to facilitate the development and negotiation of contracts, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), and research agreements that support collaborative projects.
We connect UTMB researchers with external collaborators whose expertise and interests align, fostering meaningful partnerships that drive interdisciplinary research and innovation.
We help identify potential funding and partnership opportunities, assisting researchers in aligning their projects with the goals and priorities of external organizations.
The office provides logistical support for meetings, site visits, and ongoing communications between UTMB researchers and external partners to ensure seamless collaboration.
Through these services, the Office of Team Science strengthens UTMB’s external partnerships, promoting impactful, team-based research that advances science and benefits society.