Throat Exam

The Voice and Swallowing Clinic

The Voice and Swallowing Clinic at UTMB Health strives to provide patients a single place to go for the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of voice and swallowing disorders. By offering total voice care, UTMB Health's Voice and Swallowing Clinic provides unmatched patient care. Our multidisciplinary approach includes otolaryngologists, laryngologists, and speech-language pathologists, and our doctors and staff are committed to providing excellent patient care.

  • Do You have One or More of the Following Voice Complaints?

    • Hoarseness
    • Whispery voice or loss of voice
    • Change in pitch or loudness
    • Chronic cough
    • Sensation of throat tightening/closing while breathing

    If any of these symptoms have been present for more than 2 weeks, you may need a VOICE EVALUATION.

    A Voice Evaluation Includes:

    • Extensive review of medical history and discussion of patient's concerns
    • Acoustic analysis of the voice with the clinic's Computerized Speech Lab
    • Physical examination, including Videostroboscopy, a slow-motion picture of vocal cord movement and function during speech
    • Thorough review of results and a plan for management of the voice problem provided the same day

    If you feel like you may need a Voice Evaluation, call the UTMB Health Voice and Swallowing Clinic.

    Do You have One or More of the Following Swallowing Complaints?

    • Frequent coughing or throat clearing associated with eating/drinking
    • Feeling of food/liquid getting stuck in the throat
    • Difficulty eating/drinking specific textures
    • Weight loss due to difficulty swallowing

    If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may need a SWALLOWING EVALUATION.

    A Swallowing Evaluation Includes:

    • Extensive review of medical history and discussion of patient's concerns
    • Physical examination, including Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES); FEES provides direct visualization of the throat, vocal cords, and upper airway while eating and drinking
    • Thorough review of results and a plan for management of the swallowing problem provided the same day

    If you feel like you may need a Swallowing Evaluation, call the UTMB Health Voice and Swallowing Clinic.

    Phone: (281) 338-0829
    FAX: (281) 557-7284

  • Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Voice:

    1. Drink plenty of water.
    2. Get plenty of sleep.
    3. Don't yell!
    4. Avoid smoking and smoke exposure.
    5. Rest your voice after extended use.