Osler Readings: A Virtual Series

Welcome to Osler Readings with Sunny Hatch, MD

Our faculty scholars convene twice a month to discuss publications related to the life of Sir William Osler and his teaching principles. We are challenged with sustaining these values to promote excellence in patient care and outcome. Additionally, we wish to provide interactions with our students to bring relevance to these teachings. It is obvious that social media makes available an information platform to reach a global audience.  As such we have expanded our discussions to the YouTube format. These media based messages help to shape our perceptions of quality healthcare through Oslerian principles. While our audiences may be different, the message of reviving Oslerian principles renews our dedication to patient-centric care and perpetuates the ideology of true clinical excellence in medicine.

Health Disparities with Dr. Rachel Pearson, Class of 2016 featuring Dr. Rachel M. Pearson, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics, UT Health San Antonio.

The reading for this session can be found here.

A Visit to St. Vincent's with Dr. Rachel Pearson, Class of 2016 featuring Dr. Rachel M. Pearson, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics, UT Health San Antonio.

The reading for this session can be found here.


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