Ex-Officio PositionsJohn P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine
John P. McGovern Chair in Oslerian Education
Jong O. Lee, MD

In 2005, the McGovern Foundation generously endowed the Osler Student Societies in the School of Medicine at UTMB. The need for an endowed faculty position for the societies was affirmed and in 2010, the John P. McGovern Chair in Oslerian Education was established. The appointed holder of the Chair also holds the faculty director position of the Osler Student Societies. The first Assistant Dean was Dr. Mark Holden, an Osler Scholar followed by Dr. Michael Malloy, Professor in the Division of Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics who held the position from 2007-2023. Dr. Jong O. Lee, Professor in the Department of Surgery and Osler Scholar was named in 2023, holding the title which provides direction and oversight for the eight societies. The societies were developed in 2006 for the entire matriculating medical school class of 2010. Today the societies are comprised of the entire first- and second-year School of Medicine classes in addition to scores of faculty and upper level students that serve as mentors.
The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Dean are to promote the vision and goals of the Osler Student Societies: To provide developing physicians insight into “A Way of Life”, described by Sir William Osler, not through formal lecture, but through the guidance of mentors in contact with students within and outside their academic setting. Promoting the goals of the societies includes enhancing faculty-student interaction and the mentoring of students by faculty, and promoting professionalism, humanism, community service and comradery among students.
John P. McGovern Distinguished Chair in Oslerian Medicine
Randall J. Urban, MD

The John P. McGovern Distinguished Chair in Oslerian Medicine was endowed by the McGovern Foundation in 2007. Funds distributed from the endowment are used to further the activities of the Distinguished Chair in the John P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine. Funds support the goal of educating and training future physicians to give compassionate, scientifically sound, patient-centered care in the tradition of William Osler. The faculty member who holds this position understands and embraces Oslerian ideals and is highly placed in the UTMB School of Medicine administration. The first holder was Dr. John D. Stobo, a former president of UTMB, followed by Dr. Steven A. Lieberman, a former Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Currently, the position is held by Dr. Randall J. Urban, Professor of Internal Medicine/Endocrinology and Vice Dean, Clinical Research in the School of Medicine.
As the liaison between the Osler Scholars and the School of Medicine, the Distinguished Chair facilitates the integration of Oslerian ideals and Sir William Osler as a role model throughout UTMB’s School of Medicine.