Appointments, Promotions and Tenure
Deadline to transition to the new Guidelines is April 01, 2025
John Sealy SOM APT Guidelines - NEW (PDF)
John Sealy SOM CV Template - NEW (WORD)
John Sealy SOM Guidance for Letters of Evaluation and Endorsement - NEW ( PDF)
John Sealy SOM Letter of Endorsement Request Template - NEW ( WORD)
John Sealy SOM Chair Letter Sample - NEW (WORD)
John Sealy SOM Evaluation Letter Request Template - NEW (WORD)
John Sealy SOM New vs. Old Guidelines NTT (PDF)
John Sealy SOM New vs. Old Guidelines TT (PDF)
How to get Promoted Presentation (PDF)
John Sealy SOM APT Committee Members (PDF)
Proposal Receipt & Committee Meeting Dates (PDF)
John Sealy SOM APT Guidelines - OLD (PDF)
John Sealy SOM Summary of APT Guidelines - OLD (PDF)
CV Template - OLD (DOCX) (PDF)
Checklist for APT Proposals
JSSOM APT Checklist (NEW) (WORD)
APT Tenure Track Checklist for New Appointment (PDF)
APT Tenure Track Checklist for Promotion (PDF)
APT Non-tenure Track Checklist for New Appointment (PDF)
APT Non-tenure Track Checklist for Promotion (PDF)
Faculty Titles (PDF)
Memo to External APT Letter Writers (PDF)
Memo to Faculty Regarding APT Cover Letters (PDF)
Clinical Portfolio (PDF)
Educator Portfolio (Link)
Educator Support Document
Post-Tenure Review
Post-Tenure Review Criteria (Link)
Timetable for Post-Tenure Review (Link)