• Can Stress Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes? Expert Immunity Doctors Respond

    “Stress does not directly cause swollen lymph nodes,” UTMB’s Dr. Samuel Mathis tells They Healthy for this article on swollen lymph nodes and what to do about them. “However, stress can lead to swollen lymph nodes by affecting the immune system.”

  • 5-year-old battles rare kidney disease

    Reporter Melissa Wilson with Fox 26 met with the family of Olin Lewis, a 5-year-old diagnosed with a rare kidney condition. Olin and his family travel from Katy to the UTMB Clear Lake Campus regularly to see a team specialized in kidney care. It was UTMB Family Nurse Practitioner Ashley Moses who suggested the family come to Clear Lake to get the specialist care their child needed.

  • Low back pain and what you need to know

    Lower back pain is one of the most common pain complaints Dr. Hassan Yasin hears in his clinic. In his column, Yasin provides some natural ways reduce the risk and severity of back pain.

  • Possible Future HIV Cure

    While it is no longer a death sentence, there is still no cure for HIV write Drs. Norbert Herzog and David Niesel in their latest Medical Discovery News column. But the development of gene editing may offer a way of removing or inactivating HIV in the body.

  • What strategies have been successful for challenging gender disparities in ophthalmology?

    UTMB’s Dr. Misha Syed coauthored this essay on the gender disparity in ophthalmology. While things are improving, barriers still exist that prevent women from reaching senior ranks and leadership positions, she writes. “To help our peers in academia advance in their careers and grow in a way that is more structured and organized, we founded Women Professors of Ophthalmology (WPO), a faculty development initiative within the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology,” write Syed and co-author Dr. Rukhsana Mirza of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

  • Grit, Determination, and Delu-lu: My Nursepreneur Journey

    UTMB nurse Vanessa Abacan writes about becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist, entrepreneur, and author in an essay for The Nursing Beat. “It's a tale of grit, a dash of delusion (or as I lovingly call it, 'delu-lu'), and the undeniable power of passion,” Abacan writes.

  • It's important to discuss mental health postpartum, experts say

    Mental health conditions are one of the leading causes of pregnancy-related deaths in Texas, The Daily News reported. UTMB’s Dr. Kimberly Grayson spoke to the newspaper about “the baby blues” and postpartum depression. “It’s a lot more common than I think a lot of people realize, because most people think of it as a very positive time, especially in those first couple weeks postpartum,” Grayson said.

  • Texas woman dies from West Nile Virus: What to know about symptoms

    Birds are the primary natural reservoir for West Nile virus, and mosquitoes become infected by feeding on infected birds but it does occasionally spill over into humans, UTMB’s Dr. Scott Weaver told Today for a story on the death of a Dallas woman due to West Nile. “It is still relatively early in the transmission year for this virus. We're starting to get into the heart of it, so it’s pretty concerning that we’re seeing so many cases already ... (and) there's a lot more to come,” Weaver said.
