Expanding Stroke Care

UTMB’s Clear Lake and League City hospitals can provide immediate stroke care with state-of-the-art imaging capabilities and board certified specialists in stroke and vascular neurology.

With the addition of Dr. Patrick Karas, a neurosurgeon who joined UTMB in November 2021, the Clear Lake hospital provides 24/7 hemorrhagic stroke care. This means that the Primary Stroke Center at the Clear Lake hospital is now Comprehensive Stroke capable.

“UTMB can provide care to all ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients,” said Michelle Vu, UTMB Health Stroke Program manager. “We are excited to expand the neuroscience services to this community.”

Also, the nearby UTMB Health League City Campus Hospital has neurology services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This 24/7 coverage began in October 2021.

EMS partners are welcome to check on the status of stroke patients they bring to UTMB. “The stroke team is happy to provide feedback and outcomes of all patients transferred to our facilities,” Vu said.

When UTMB opened the Clear Lake Campus in 2019 to serve the growing, diverse and vibrant Bay Area community, it brought a topnotch academic medical center to the area, enabling patients dealing with the most complex health problems to get their care close to home.

And as the neuroscience program expands, UTMB is adding neurosurgeons who specialize in movement disorders and spinal disorders.

“The goal is to give our patients and community the best and latest care in neurosurgery,” said Dr. Peter Kan, Neurosurgery Chairman at UTMB Health.

Dr. Anish Bhardwaj, the Neurology Chairman, along with Kan and Dr. Hashem Shaltoni, the Stroke Program Medical Director, push for excellence in neuroscience care.

They lead a team of highly experienced and specialized physicians to provide the best care for patients. UTMB’s comprehensive neuroscience care treats seizures, aneurysms, spinal disorders and movement disorders. For additional information about UTMB Health’s comprehensive stroke care team, visit https://utmb.us/6n5.