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The McLaughlin Endowment
for Training in Infection and Immunity

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Dr. James W. McLaughlin

The James W. McLaughlin Endowment was established in 1952 by Mr. A.C. McLaughlin in honor of his father. The purpose of the fund is to establish and maintain fellowships for the investigation of infection and immunity.

Dr. James W. McLaughlin served as professor of medicine at The University of Texas Medical Department in Galveston from 1897 to 1905. During his 26 years as a family physician and as a faculty member of the Medicine Department, he maintained an active interest in immunity and infectious disease and was the author of a number of publications on the subject. Dr. McLaughlin had a state-wide reputation as a physician and was highly regarded by his students as a teacher. He was one of the first members of the faculty to recognize the need for combining laboratory investigation with clinical medicine.

In addressing the students at the opening of the Medical Department in 1899, Dr. McLaughlin outlined his views concerning the attributes of an ideal physician by stating that one should have a broad general sympathy with humanity, a fund of technical knowledge and quick, accurate powers of inductive reasoning.

In 1905, Dr. McLaughlin returned to the practice of medicine in Austin where he served on the Board of Regents of The University of Texas from 1907 until his death in 1909.

The McLaughlin Committee

In an attempt to carry on the traditions of Dr. McLaughlin and to fulfill the intent of the Endowment, the McLaughlin Fellowship Committee is committed to supporting research in infection and immunity.

The McLaughlin Committee is comprised of at least seven voting members of UTMB faculty, including one member who serves as Chair. Actions of the Committee are governed by a set of bylaws which describe the types of fellowships and other activities the Fund can support. The first fellowships were awarded in 1954.

The McLaughlin Endowment's annual budget supports predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows, recruitment of new infectious disease faculty and of outstanding graduate students for UTMB's Graduate School of Biomedical Science (GSBS), plus other programs, such as an annual colloquium.

Latest News

We are now accepting Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship applications for fiscal year 2025. Approved fellowships will begin September 1, 2025. Please visit the Predoctoral Fellowships information page or the Postdoctoral Fellowships information page for application instructions and forms.

Applications are due at 5:00 PM on Friday, May 30, 2025.