Recognition for Commitment to the Art of Medicine — Nomination Form

Do you have a colleague or know of someone (faculty, staff, fellow, resident or student) that deserves recognition for their outstanding work in the Art of Medicine? Then nominate them for a CAM award by submitting the form below!

Click HERE to view all previous CAM Award Winners.

Please submit the following form to recognize a faculty member, staff member, resident, fellow or student for their commitment to compassionate care and humanistic medicine.

Supported by the Dibrell Family Professorship in the Art of Medicine given by Frances M. and Charles G. Dibrell, Jr.

Nominee Information
First Name Last Name
Department: * (faculty/staff only)
Nominee is a: Faculty or Staff Fellow, Resident, or Student
Your Information
Your Full Name:
Your Email:
My role at UTMB is:
In 500 words or less, please provide an explanation as to why your nominee
deserves to be recognized for the "Commitment to the Art of Medicine" award:

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