BSHS Selectives 2023-2024
Selectives Type:  Basic Science

Selective Title
In-Depth Examination of Ob/Gyn Topics for Pathophysiology (BSHS Credit)
Course Number
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Year 3 requirements; C Form required prior to enrollment
Responsible Faculty Director:
Karren Lewis, MD & Amjad Hossain, PhD
Other Faculty:
Various clinical Faculty representing all Ob/Gyn subspecialties
Contact Information
Coordinator: Brandie Denton (; Tel: 409-772-2897)
Periods Offered
1-13 (excluding Period 11)
including holiday period 8
Maximum Enrollment

Learning Objectives
Goals: The selective will steer the students to deeply examine Ob/Gyn topics for acquiring the expected level of knowledge by conducting self-directed research as they transition into residency. Learning Objectives: Students should
1) develop broad understanding of the topics they selected to explore,
2) practice their skill of integration of basic science in explaining clinical topics,
3) develop expertise on how to prepare a writeup of a clinical topic fulfilling expected requirements,
4) practice self-reflection for personal growth,
and 5) refine their presentation skills.

Describe the qualifications background and career goals or interests of students who would benefit from the course:
This selective should be of particular interest to students who wish to pursue a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Students interested in women's health issues in primary care, internal medicine or related surgical subspecialties would also benefit from this selective.

Description of course activities
The course offers a variety of topics from all Ob/Gyn subspecialties (Appendix A). Students may also add topics of special interest but will require faculty approval. Each student will select a topic for self-guided exploration and will have opportunities for consultation with course faculty whose specialties match the students selected topic.

In orientation (first day of rotation) the course syllabus, schedule, expectations, and requirements will be discussed. How the requirements can be achieved will also be pointed out. The students will be assigned with the topics of their choice. The orientation should sufficiently guide the students in exploring their topics independently and expectedly. If needed, on the last day of Week-1 a zoom session will be arranged to discuss the students’ progress, problems encountered, or any issue they might have.

Previously all BSHS courses required the students to produce a 10 pages long essay that must be suitable for nomination for McGovern essay contest. Keeping that as an option, effective from year 2024 the BSHS Course Committee suggested the inclusion of alternative forms of scholarly outputs in BSHS courses. For OBGU-4404 selective, the followings may be the alternate scholarly options: i) poster/podium presentation of their investigation at regional/national meetings or ii) shorter essays (5 pages) in addition to 20 minutes PowerPoint presentation or iii) developing a 3-day long PBL case. A tangible copy of scholarly product must be included and attached to the faculty director’s BSHS evaluation. In this Ob/Gyn specific BSHS, either a copy of PowerPoint presentation or confirmation of acceptance of presentation of their investigation at regional/national meetings or evidence of PBL case development will be required.

As per schedule, the students will conduct self-directed studies and data collection during Week-1 through Week-3. They will spend the later part of Week-3 and Week-4 on data analysis, oral presentation preparation and written report formulation. Some portion of the last two days of Week-4 will be available for oral presentation. The written essay will be due via email submission by midnight of the last day of rotation.

Interested MS4 students may contact Karren Lewis, MD for further on project alternatives. Students interested to academic medicine or wants to demonstrate their creativity in medical writings are highly encouraged.

Appendix A. Faculty Sponsored OB/GYN topics relevant to OBGU-4404 BSHS course.

Faculty recommended twenty Ob/Gyn topics that cover all Ob/Gyn subspecialties are listed below. Students may pick a topic from the list or may suggest any other topic of their interest to be added to the list with faculty approval.

1. Abnormal uterine bleeding, Amenorrhea-Dysmenorrhea
2. Birth control, Contraception, Sterilization
3. Infertility diagnosis and treatment
4. Abnormal female puberty, congenital abnormalities affecting reproduction
5. Gynecologic malignancies: endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer
6. Cervical Dysplasia: Diagnosis, Methodology and Management
7. Uro-Gynecologic disorders & corrective surgeries
8. Pelvic support defects
9. Preterm birth
10. Menopause and its management
11. Management of trial of labor after cesarean delivery
12. STDs/PIDs
13. Ultrasound imaging in Obstetrics
14. Ultrasound imaging in Gynecology
15. Cardiovascular changes in baby from intrauterine to extrauterine environment
16. Pregnancy associated hypertension
17. Preeclampsia in pregnancy
18. Diabetes diagnosed before and after 20 wk. gestation
19. Intra-uterine growth restriction
20. Twin gestation
21. Postpartum hemorrhage & management

Proposed time requirement (%) for the student activities per 40-hour week:
Activity Percent of Activity
Faculty contact time

10 - 20%

Self-directed study

40 - 50%

Data collection/analysis

20 - 30%



Method of student evaluation

Check all that apply - complete appropriate section(s) only:
1.  Grading
A. Please specify your grading criteria for outstanding performance:
  Satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance will be determined by established grading criteria. An outstanding written report will result in a nomination for the prestigious McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine.

2.  Written Assignment (Homework, projects, notes, papers, abstracts, etc.)
A. Frequency of written assignment(s)
  One written report (essay) with emphasis on reflection should be turned in at the end of the rotation. The final written product should be at least 10 pages in length written in double space with font size 12.
B. Type and format of written assignment
  Clinically based written reports focusing on pathophysiology by giving basic science explanation. The written report should be evidence-based unfolding the basic science behind the overall pathology reflecting structural and functional alterations compared to normal. The report should entail what was learned and how it will be useful in the student's career.
C. Method of content selection (student-selected, assigned, relate to cases, etc.)
  Student selected [x]

3.  Oral Presentation
  A. Frequency / duration of presentation(s)?
    Each student will present one formal PowerPoint presentation not exceeding 20 minutes.
  B. Type and format of presentation
    As seminar
  D. Assessment - Who assesses the student's presentation performance?
    Self-assessment   Peer assessment   Faculty assessment
  E. Method of content selection
    Student-selected topic   Assigned topic

4.  Professionalism
  What expectations do you have for the student to demonstrate participation in the elective (e.g. small group activities, seminars, thoughtful questions, providing resources, journal club, resident lecture attendance)?

The instructor will discuss principles of appropriate attribution and the referencing of literature with the student. The student is expected to understand and to adhere to the principle that all presented work must be solely the student’s own.

    Students should exhibit expected professional behavior during the rotation in terms of attending all zoom meetings and turning in their written reports on time and taking the initiative to schedule their oral presentation with faculty.

5.  Other Modes of Evaluation
  Please explain below.