BSHS Selectives 2023-2024
Selectives Type:  Basic Science

Selective Title
Dermatologic Basic Science (BSHS Credit)
Course Number
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Year 3 requirements; must obtain course director's approval of their proposed research and submit signed C Form at least 60 days prior to enrollment
Responsible Faculty Director:
Richard Wagner, MD
Other Faculty:
Drs. Sharon Raimer, Michael Wilkerson, Brent Kelly, Erica Kelly, Lindy Ross, Bernard Gibson, Brandon Goodwin, Janice Wilson, Kathleen Kroger, Frank Winsett
Contact Information Coordinator: Reynol Lopez (
Periods Offered
1, 2, 6-13 (excluding Period 11)
including holiday period 8
Maximum Enrollment

Learning Objectives
Topic (student/faculty decision) must be approved by the Course Director prior to the start of the selective. The type of project will be determine the nature of the required written report (due on the last day of selective), such as literature review, experimental report, clinical case report with basic science emphasis, etc. Students will be expected to achieve a comprehensive understanding of their topic by the end of the selective. During this Selective, students may write IRB or IACUC protocols, scientific reports, scientific abstracts, etc. The focus of self-directed study will be dictated by the nature of the topic and could be include literature review, data collection and statistical analysis and other scientific writing.

Describe the qualifications background and career goals or interests of students who would benefit from the course:
Students with a career interest in dermatology will benefit from this Selective. This course may be taken following electives in dermatology where research projects were initiated, or in conjunction with the UTMB Honors Program. Students participating in the Dermatology Honors Research Program at UTMB are encouraged to take DERU-4004 to satisfy their graduation writing requirement. Non-Dermatology Honors Research Program students interested taking DERU 4004 must submit a written proposal to Dr. Wagner for review at least 2 months prior to the first day of class and receive permission to enroll from Dr. Wagner.

Description of course activities
Tutorials, lab work, library research, field work.

Proposed time requirement (%) for the student activities per 40-hour week:
Activity Percent of Activity
Faculty contact time


Self-directed study


Data collection/analysis



Method of student evaluation

Check all that apply - complete appropriate section(s) only:
1.  Grading
A. Please specify your grading criteria for outstanding performance:
  Overall course grade (grading scale will be PASS or FAIL): Minimum requirements, based on attendance (virtual or in-person), written product and course participation will be set by the course director and made known to the students at the beginning of the course. A grade of P should be determined by satisfactory completion of the requirements. Outstanding work is eligible for consideration by the UTMB Selectives Committee for the John P. McGovern Award in Oslerian Medicine. A student fails if he/she does not fulfill one or more of these requirements. At the course director's discretion, a student may receive an NR (Not Recorded). [see course criteria]

2.  Written Assignment (Homework, projects, notes, papers, abstracts, etc.)
A. Frequency of written assignment(s)
  Final written product
B. Type and format of written assignment
  The final written product should be at least 10 double-spaced pages in length, not including references or figures.
C. Method of content selection (student-selected, assigned, relate to cases, etc.)
  Student-selected, assigned, or related to cases (series or case report)

3.  Oral Presentation
  A. Frequency / duration of presentation(s)?
    Departmental presentation at end of rotation.
  B. Type and format of presentation
  D. Assessment - Who assesses the student's presentation performance?
    Self-assessment   Peer assessment   Faculty assessment
  E. Method of content selection
    Student-selected topic   Assigned topic

4.  Professionalism
  What expectations do you have for the student to demonstrate participation in the elective (e.g. small group activities, seminars, thoughtful questions, providing resources, journal club, resident lecture attendance)?

The instructor will discuss principles of appropriate attribution and the referencing of literature with the student. The student is expected to understand and to adhere to the principle that all presented work must be solely the student’s own.

    Professional interactions over the 4 week selective. Any written work submitted must be the student's own original work. All student collaborations on this work must be clearly defined and pre-approved by the course director. Specific rules of citation and reference are available from the course director, and should be reviewed by the student prior to submission of all written work.

5.  Other Modes of Evaluation
  Please explain below.
    Not applicable