Even though today's stroke therapies can prevent major damage to the brain, eighty percent of its victims are not able to get to a hospital in time. The treatment window is within hours to twenty-four hours.
But an experimental drug extends that window to days after a stroke. In tests on mice, it was able to repair damaged brain tissue and reverse cognition, speech and motor deficits. The drug uses a technique called nonviral tissue nanotransfection which takes skin cells and reprograms their genetic code so that they create new blood vessels in damaged areas of the brain. Essentially, it's like replacing clogged pipes in your home with new ones. Blood can start flowing again to deliver oxygen to areas that lost oxygen and restore brain function.
To change skin cells into cells that will form new blood vessels, researchers introduced a special developmental gene that makes a transcription factor protein. This modifies the skin cells' genetic code and tricks them into believing they are embryonic cells whose job is to form new blood vessels. In mouse brains, these cells went to work and began forming new blood vessels.
Imagine days and maybe even weeks after a stroke being able to reverse debilitating life changing brain damage. If this cell therapy works, patients' brain cells can regenerate and possibly allow them to live their lives as they used to.
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