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Doctor Turns Up Possible Treatment For Deadly Sepsis
It's hard not to get excited about news of a potentially effective treatment for sepsis, a condition that leads to multiple organ failure and kills more people in the hospital than any other disease. But there have been so many false promises about this condition over the years, it's also wise to treat announcements ' like one published online by the journal, Chest ' with caution...

Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study
The astronomer Carl Sagan said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Last week, a physician made the extraordinary claim that he had an effective treatment for sepsis, sometimes known as blood poisoning...

Vitamin S' (Steroids) and Vitamin C for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock!
It has been assumed that severe sepsis and septic shock occur due to immune disequilibrium. Excessive activation of nuclear factor-[kappa]B (NF-[kappa]B) has been implicated in generation of the 'cytokine storm' in the early stages of sepsis...