The majority of users will see minimal impact. This change will primarily affect those accessing iUTMB from outside our network, typically working from home or some other remote, non-UTMB site. In these instances, these users will see the new portal page rather than iUTMB. The portal page will contain commonly used links and information about connecting via UTMB’s VPN.
The change to iUTMB is limited to the single iUTMB web page; all the sites and resources behind it will remain unchanged. Resources we link to that are public today will remain so; the ones that require authentication or VPN will still be the same way. Search will still be enabled. To access the directory you’ll need to be on network or VPNed in, as you do today. Many remote access-enabled business activities (including clinical work) are already done through secure and encrypted channels requiring VPN.
However, we also recognize that change is always difficult. And, in spite of communication, planning and testing, there is always the chance for unintended consequences. We’ll stay vigilant and flexible, and thank you in advance for your patience.