iUTMB is now an internal resourceThe internal home page for faculty and staff is no longer available outside the UTMB network.

To enhance web performance and improve security and reliability, a change was made to iUTMB.

iUTMB is the university’s internal home page for faculty, staff and students. If you are on the UTMB network at any campus or clinic, iUTMB is likely the first page that greets you when you turn on your computer at work (CMC team members have their own unique home page). iUTMB serves up a long list of commonly referenced links and employee/student news. Visitors from the public typically see our public home page or patient care site.

Although iUTMB is designed for our internal audience, it had been available to the public. That changed on July 25, 2018, when iUTMB became available exclusively via UTMB's intranet.

How will this change affect me?

Most users did not notice a change. If you are on the UTMB network or using the university’s virtual private network (VPN), you will access iUTMB as you always have and it will continue to serve as your default home page.

If you are NOT on the UTMB network and try to access iUTMB, you are now being taken to a new portal page that features some commonly used links and a gateway/information to log in via UTMB’s VPN.

iUTMB/Public Portal Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve been soliciting feedback and questions from users about the July 25 change to iUTMB. Here are answers to some common questions: