HPTM Students ACTS Presentations
HPTM Students ACTS 2022 Presentations
Students selected for graduate assistantships receive a salary of $35,360 plus paid tuition and fees and health insurance coverage. Graduate assistantships are only available to US citizens and permanent
residents (green card holders). Dental insurance is also available for a small charge. For more information, please view the Student Handbook or contact the HPTM program director.
Application and Admission
Interested students should complete the UTMB Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) application,
through the BioMedCAS application system, and select HPTM as one of their programs of choice. They will be further prompted on this selection to choose between the general program and the Vaccinology Track. Qualified students will be directly
admitted into the HPTM program and will engage in the unique HPTM curriculum immediately upon matriculation.