Special Populations Coordinating Center

Integrating Special Populations in Clinical and Translational Research
Mission or Goal:
The mission of the Special Population Coordinating Center (SPCC) is to increase participation of special populations in clinical and translational research. The SPCC addresses the “clinical trials participation gap”, which refers to the refers to the significant differences in sex, race, and socioeconomic status between clinical trials participants and the US population. The UTMB SPCC specifically addresses the need to increase participation in clinical trials of expecting mothers and their babies, children, older adults, and underserved populations.
Roberto Garofalo, MD
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Dept. Pediatrics
Hub Role & Responsibilities
Expert in Pediatric Trials. Identifies barriers and opportunities for the participation of children in clinical trials. Responsible for identifying PIs and supporting the implementation of pediatric trials.
Bio: https://researchexperts.utmb.edu/en/persons/roberto-garofalo
Email: rpgarofa@utmb.edu
Lisa Hernandez Garcia
Research Operations Manager
Hub Role & Responsibilities
Research Navigator. Responsible for assisting investigators in the utilization of Hub resources to facilitate participation of special populations in clinical trials.
Email: lghernan@utmb.edu