ITS Service Desk

Information Technology Services provides Service Desk assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Phone Assistance

  • When calling the Service Desk, please expect to provide your name, location, phone number and the tag number of your UTMB device. You will be asked questions to help us verify your identity.
  • If the Service Desk is unable to resolve your issue while we have you on the phone, the support specialist will create a ticket for your service request and assign the ticket to the appropriate IT team.
  • Once the incident is logged and a service ticket assigned, you should receive an email verifying the ticket number for the problem reported.
  • Each call to the ITS Service Desk will generate a separate ticket number - even if the call is a simple question, such as requesting the status of a previously submitted request.

Self-service Portal

When using the self-service portal to create or check on a request, you'll need to authenticate using your UTMB credentials.

Remote Assistance

One of the tools often employed is remote assistance, which allows the ITS Service Desk staff to control your computer while you watch. You might be asked to visit and enter a code given to you verbally. This is a safe, secure, and effective way to provide you with a resolution.

Last updated: March 25, 2025