
QI and Patient Safety

At UTMB we have a robust Quality and Patient Safety Curriculum which covers the following core concepts:

  • Adverse Event Review/Root Cause Analysis
  • Disclosure
  • Cognitive errors/Bias
  • High Value Care
  • Health Care Disparities
  • Quality improvement Methodologies

In addition to our core curriculum each resident participates in a large-scale Quality Improvement project.  Projects are chosen base on institutional priorities and resident suggestion and have included topics such as:

“Improving Colorectal Cancer screening in the outpatient setting”
“Developing a Central Line check list”
“Improving the quality of care for hospitalized patient with decompensated cirrhosis”
“Reducing NPO prior to procedures”

Every spring the Department of Medicine hosts is Annual Quality and Research Forum and the UTMB GME office hosts its annual Quality symposium. All Quality Improvement projects are presented at these conferences.  The Quality improvement projects from the residency program have been presented locally at these venues as well as at regional/state and national ACP, national HVPAA as well as many national specialty societies.  Multiple residents have won awards for their QI work.

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