The Internal Medicine Core Clerkship is a six-week rotation in the third year of medical school. The clerkship accommodates approximately 40 students per cohort. One student per cohort is currently sent to Tyler, while another four students sent to Houston,
both with a similar clerkship design. Galveston-based students will spend three weeks on an inpatient service and three weeks on a consultative medicine service or inpatient subspecialty service. Houston and Tyler based students will spend four weeks
on an inpatient service, and two weeks on a consultative medicine service. Students may select their subspecialty service preferences. Students work with interns, residents, and faculty each day.
Maria Belalcazar, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
University of Texas Medical Branch
Karen Szauter, MD FACP
Dean, Educational Affairs
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Distinguished Teaching Professor
University of Texas Medical Branch
Contact Information:
Victoria Garcia
Clerkship Coordinator
Phone: 409.772.1757
Christine Villarreal
Program Manager
Medical Education Office
Phone: 409.772.2650