Types of Diseases Seen
Swallowing disorders, achalasia and other esophageal motor disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastroparesis, intestinal pseudoobstruction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fecal incontinence and other defecation disorders, biliary dyskinesia.
Types of Treatments Provided
Assessment of gastrointestinal motility and function (esophageal, antroduodenal, Sphincter of Oddi, and anorectal manometry, wireless and catheter pH monitoring, electrogastrography, hydrogen breath testing, gastrointestinal scintigraphy), various dilation
procedures, gastric electrical stimulation, pelvic floor biofeedback, pharmacological options in motility disorders, and adjunctive services such as psychological evaluation and counseling.
Unique or New Things that UTMB Does in this Field
Provision of services to both assess and treat disorders of gastrointestinal motility not generally available in the community (examples above), access to investigational protocols in which research from the laboratory is brought to the clinic, and a
team approach to difficult clinical problems involving disordered motility.
How to Make an Appointment
Call 409.772.0122