Pathways from Discovery to Invention

Pathways from Discovery to Invention - Tuesday, June 1  - noon CST

In the next Creators' Corner, faculty from across UTMB the Pathways from Discovery to Invention. Topics such as keeping your eyes on the problem, identifying gaps, and how to market.

Join us Tuesday, June 1  - noon CST at Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only) +1 409-240-0721,,451403166#   Phone Conference ID: 451 403 166#

The Creators' Corner series will focus on raising awareness of the role that entrepreneurial thinking can play at an academic medical center and on generating interest in other training and mentoring activities. These informal, interactive events will include short presentations and panel discussions presented in person and virtually from the Innovation Hub from 12-1, every other Tuesday.  

Please contact our team at for any questions.