On Nov. 11, our nation celebrated Veterans Day. This issue of Impact celebrates UTMB veterans with articles on two of our dedicated and talented health care providers who are continuing their legacy of service to others following exemplary careers in the military.
One of the articles focuses on Dr. Joaquin Cortiella, a UTMB anesthesiologist and U.S. Army Colonel who in September received the Legion of Merit award, one of the U.S. military’s most distinguished awards. Another features a day in the life of Tim Robinson, a certified hyperbaric technician and a U.S. Navy veteran who works at UTMB’s Wound Care and Hyperbarics Clinic in Dickinson.
These veterans are two of the more than 1,150 UTMB employees who have self-reported as veterans. We are thankful to all of our veterans for their years of service to our nation and for their continued service in UTMB locations throughout the state.
Among the other highlights from this issue:
- A profile of Emily Blomberg, vice president of Professional and Support Services in the UTMB Health System
- Best Care in Action, featuring Information Services’ Epic support team and how it helps take care of the caregivers
- How advances in technology and teaching are helping the Nursing Interprofessional Simulation Center to train students in a realistic environment
- New candidate vaccines developed by UTMB researchers to combat the plague
- Holiday food safety tips by Bill Anchondo, executive chef for UTMB Food and NutritionServices
- Numerous accomplishments and kudos in the Working Wonders column and throughout the newsletter
Finally, by the time this issue hits newsstands, we’ll have completed our annual State Employee Charitable Campaign. We surpassed our goal with a full week left in the campaign, and I could not be prouder of the UTMB community for its generosity. In this season of thanksgiving, I am grateful to each of you.
Dr. David L. Callender
UTMB President