Welcome to the newest issue of Impact! This edition features articles about some of the people and initiatives that are contributing to our mission of becoming one of the leading academic medical centers in the U.S.
This edition also highlights the 2016 State Employee Charitable Campaign, which began Oct. 7 and runs through Nov. 14. The campaign is a great opportunity to help improve the quality of life for people in need in our communities and across the state, nation and world. You can learn more about SECC at www.utmb.edu/secc.
Among the other highlights from this issue:
- A day in the life of Eileen Schubert, a certified American Sign Language interpreter at UTMB who bridges communication gaps between medical staff and patients or caregivers
- A profile of Rebecca Saavedra, vice president for Strategic Management
- A closer look at Best Care in Action with Dr. Eric Walser, UTMB’s chair of Radiology
- Twenty-one faculty, staff and students who received UTMB President’s Cabinet awards for projects that promote outreach, education and improved patient care in the community
- The annual Hector P. Garcia Awards Luncheon, featuring winners of the essay and poster contests
- Tips for communicating with your health care team by Savannah Parks at the UTMB Health Resource Center
- Numerous accomplishments and kudos in the Working Wonders column and throughout the newsletter
I’d also like to encourage everyone to visit the following websites for important information about campus security and fire safety and our efforts to ensure a drug-free campus.
As always, I hope you enjoy reading this issue of Impact, and I thank you for all you do to improve health for Texans and for those around the world.
Dr. David L. Callender
UTMB President