myPTO Program

UTMB provides all benefits-eligible employees with paid time off through our myPTO program. This program gives employees the flexibility needed to focus on what matters most — whether it's for a vacation, a field trip with a child, an illness, or any other situation that requires time away from work.

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Kronos Questions
   (409) 747-8078

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Paid Time Off (PTO)

Paid Time Off (PTO) provides employees with a bank of hours that may be used for any personal reason that requires time away from work and short-term illness/injury.

Extended Illness Bank (EIB)

The Extended Illness Bank (EIB) component of the myPTO program provides employees with income protection for extended periods of personal or family illness/injury.

Institutional Holidays

UTMB provides employees with 10 Institutional Holidays each fiscal year in observance of designated national and state holidays.

Reduced Paid Leave (RPL)

Reduced Paid Leave (RPL) is a benefit entirely funded by UTMB that provides expanded income protection to employees who have exhausted their available accruals and need more time off for a personal illness/injury, the catastrophic illness/injury of an immediate family member, or parental leave.