Benefits Annual Enrollment

2024–2025 Plan Year

The benefits annual enrollment period for the 2024–2025 plan year begins Monday, July 15, and ends Wednesday, July 31. During this period, you may make changes to your benefits elections, add or remove dependents, and/or enroll in a flexible spending account.

Click here to learn more about the insurance and retirement plan partners in the UT Benefits program. This site includes brochures, videos and contact information to help with your benefits elections for the new plan year.

Key Annual Enrollment Dates

Important Reminders

As you make your benefits elections, please keep in mind:

  • Your current benefits coverage (except UT FLEX elections) will continue for the new plan year if no action is taken during the annual enrollment period. Keep ID cards for plans that did not change. Expect new ID cards for UT SELECT medical plan and any new plans elected.
  • If you do not want to make any changes to your current benefits coverage, it is recommended that you take a few minutes to review your elections and dependents to ensure they are correct.
  • You must enroll in the UT FLEX program each year; elections from 2023–2024 will not roll forward.
  • My UT Benefits may be accessed from any web-enabled device using the Safari web browser.
  • The recommended web browsers for accessing My UT Benefits when using a personal computer are Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Premium Changes

Monthly premiums for UT SELECT medical plan for full-time employees:

  • Employee Only coverage will remain a monthly total of $0.
  • Employee/Spouse coverage will increase $23.44 for a monthly total of $335.94.
  • Employee/Child(ren) coverage will increase $24.52 for a monthly total of $351.36.
  • Employee/Family coverage will increase $46.16 for a monthly total of $661.56.

Monthly premiums for UT SELECT medical plan for part-time employees: 

  • Employee Only coverage will increase $27.22 for a monthly total of $390.12.
  • Employee/Spouse coverage will increase $64.92 for a monthly total of $930.54.
  • Employee/Children coverage will increase $60.86 for a monthly total of $872.30.
  • Employee/Family coverage will increase $96.86 for a monthly total of $1,388.22.

New for 2024–2025

New UT FLEX Plan Administrator
Inspira Financial will become the new UT FLEX plan administrator effective Sunday, Sept. 1. With this change, new debit cards will be issued for all FY25 Health Care Reimbursement Account enrollees.

UT FLEX Increased Maximum for HCRA
The annual maximum for the Health Care Reimbursement Account has increased to $3,200 for plan year 2024–2025. The annual maximum for the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account remains $5,000 per family.

New Voluntary Life and AD&D Option for Dependents
Employees with a UT employee spouse may both cover dependent children and each other as spouses on voluntary life and AD&D. Adding voluntary spouse life requires EOI.

Disability Coverage Guaranteed
No evidence of insurability (EOI) will be required to enroll in Short-Term Disability and/or Long-Term Disability coverage during this annual enrollment period only. 

Living Well Platform Powered by Limeade
Achieve your physical, emotional, financial, and work well-being goals with personalized activities through the Living Well platform powered by Limeade. Visit to register and download the Limeade ONE app.

Voluntary Retirement Programs with Pre-Tax or Post-Tax Contributions
Maximize your retirement savings and enroll in a UTSaver Tax-Sheltered Annuity or Deferred Compensation plan. Learn more at

UTMB Annual Enrollment Virtual Fair – July 22

UTMB will host an Annual Enrollment Virtual Fair on Monday, July 22, from 1 to 5 p.m.

All employees are invited to attend to learn about the annual enrollment process and the insurance, retirement and wellness programs for the 2024–2025 benefits plan year.

The fair will be held through Microsoft Teams, and employees may join the meeting at any time using the following information:

Register & Join by Computer
Registration Link:
Meeting ID: 271 294 551 657
Passcode: BJxbNG

Join by Phone
(409) 240-0721
Conference ID: 964 368 326#
Find a local number | Reset PIN


Technical Support for My UT Benefits Portal
  (844) 870-0044

Assistance with Annual Enrollment Process
  (409) 772-2630   (866) 996-8862

Download the Mobile App Today

Get ready for annual enrollment by downloading the Benefitplace™ app! 

With the app, you will be able to use your phone or tablet to view your benefits information, update your coverage, store photos of your ID cards, and more. 

To install the app:

  1. Download the Benefitplace app, which is available from Google Plan and the Apple App Store
  2. Enter UTMBG as the company ID
  3. Log in using your UTMB username and password

Click here for additional support with downloading and logging in to the app.