Paige Edoimioya
Paige Edoimioya

Paige Edoimioya, Process Improvement Specialist I

Paige Edoimioya is a committed Process Improvement Specialist and Lean Facilitator on the System Optimization and Performance team at UTMB. She facilitates process improvement opportunities and projects within various departments at UTMB. Paige enjoys helping others understand lean concepts and tools so that they can apply them in their respective areas to improve their everyday work processes and operational efficiency. 

Paige received her Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Biology and her Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering from the University of Houston. Prior to joining UTMB, Paige served as an Industrial Engineer at a mail processing facility where she obtained her Green Belt Six Sigma certification. In addition, she served as a Manufacturing Engineer at an electrical distribution manufacturing site where she implemented improved the facility layout, led lean projects, and streamlined numerous processes. Through her experience working on process improvement projects, she has specialized in data analysis, problem solving and the creation of standard work. 

Fun fact: Paige was born in Japan and got engaged in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 
