COVID-19 - March 16 Update
Visit UTMB's COVID-19 website.
At the Galveston National Lab, we're taking the coronavirus situation very seriously. Researchers here are working in high containment labs with the live virus, studying it, testing it against FDA-approved drugs already available and working on a vaccine and animal models that will help to fast track FDA approvals. Through our World Reference Center we are also supplying the virus to other research labs around the world to use in their studies.
In addition, our experts are spending hours each day on emergency preparedness phone calls and updates, as well as working with local, national and international agencies and media to share information that will benefit patients, the general public and front line emergency responders.
We're also reviewing scientific literature as quickly as it comes out and are coming online with some high throughput testing to assist the state or federal government as needed.
We're also staying away from one another as much as possible. In an effort to keep our researchers and other employees safe, we have instituted work at home policies for those who can, and are strongly advocating social distancing. Our meetings are being held by phone, media interviews are moving to Skype, all business travel has been canceled, personal travel is not advised and must be reported. There are no visitors allowed on campus -- foreign or domestic. Students are moving to online classes and most are no longer on campus. (Advanced students working on coronavirus research are continuing their efforts along with their principal investigators and mentors.)
We obviously have curtailed all tours and guest lectures at this time, but we do want to be here for our community -- whether that is our fellow researchers or a concerned citizen. If you have a question, please contact us through this website. Someone will get back with you as soon as possible.
At the Galveston National Lab, we're taking the coronavirus situation very seriously. Researchers here are working in high containment labs with the live virus, studying it, testing it against FDA-approved drugs already available and working on a vaccine and animal models that will help to fast track FDA approvals. Through our World Reference Center we are also supplying the virus to other research labs around the world to use in their studies.
In addition, our experts are spending hours each day on emergency preparedness phone calls and updates, as well as working with local, national and international agencies and media to share information that will benefit patients, the general public and front line emergency responders.
We're also reviewing scientific literature as quickly as it comes out and are coming online with some high throughput testing to assist the state or federal government as needed.
We're also staying away from one another as much as possible. In an effort to keep our researchers and other employees safe, we have instituted work at home policies for those who can, and are strongly advocating social distancing. Our meetings are being held by phone, media interviews are moving to Skype, all business travel has been canceled, personal travel is not advised and must be reported. There are no visitors allowed on campus -- foreign or domestic. Students are moving to online classes and most are no longer on campus. (Advanced students working on coronavirus research are continuing their efforts along with their principal investigators and mentors.)
We obviously have curtailed all tours and guest lectures at this time, but we do want to be here for our community -- whether that is our fellow researchers or a concerned citizen. If you have a question, please contact us through this website. Someone will get back with you as soon as possible.