We are excited to introduce a game-changing enhancement to your Epic experience – the all-new web browser, Hyperdrive! Designed exclusively by Epic, Hyperdrive is set to revolutionize your workflow, offering improved performance, fortified security,
and simplified access to Epic applications. In addition to these exciting features, we've also given Epic a fresh visual makeover that you won't want to miss.
Hyperdrive is being rolled out in three waves, the last of which being Nov. 12 at 6:30 a.m. Epic support staff will be rounding on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 12 and 13. Please don’t hesitate to ask them your questions. And as always the UTMB Service Desk, option 4 (Epic) is available.

For more detailed information about Hyperdrive and its features, please visit the dedicated Hyperdrive intranet page. We encourage you to dive in and discover how this exciting update will transform your Epic usage.
Please call the UTMB Service Desk with concerns.