Occupational Exposures
Student Health is committed to the health and safety of our students and therefore has created a new webform for reporting Occupational exposure to blood & body fluid/needlesticks/sharps injury. Any UTMB student who experienced an occupational exposure in any location should click this link https://utmb.us/8d6 and fill out the webform. Do not use any other form to report your exposure. Students who experienced an occupational exposure to blood or body fluids while in their role as a student should be released immediately to report to or call Student Health & Counseling ASAP and note the following important information:
A. Immediate Action
If you are stuck by a needle, sharps, blood or other potentially infectious materials in your eyes, nose, mouth, or on broken skin:
- Wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water.
- Flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water.
- Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile irrigant.
B. Report the Incident Immediately to your Faculty/Preceptor/Clinical Coordinator
C. New Webform:
All students with BBP exposure should complete this form asap https://utmb.us/8d6 or scan the QR code below to complete the form as soon as possible.

D. Faculty/Resident/Preceptor/Supervisor or their delegate, should help obtain the SOURCE LAB as follows:
- One (1) yellow-top tube with source labels on tube.
- Take the source sample with you to Student Health.
- Please be sure the source's samples are properly labeled with the source's identifiers to prevent any delays in the lab results.
E. Seek Evaluation within 4 Hours:
COME TO STUDENT HEALTH ASAP during business hours Mon -Fri 8am-5pm, you do not need an appointment. ONLY report to UTMB ER on weekends, after-hours and holidays and email student health. If you are on away rotation/outside of Houston, please refer to your clinical site-specific policy (must complete the webform AND email SHCEMAIL@utmb.edu).
F. Prophylaxis should only be initiated within 72 HOURS after the source lab result has been received and HIV is POSITIVE or the source is unknown.
G. Follow-up:
All students must follow-up with a Student Health clinician in person (tele-visit for away rotation student) for further evaluation, counseling, prophylaxis, or vaccination as indicated, and instructions for any additional follow-up testing or assessment by a specialist.