Radiation & Occupational Safety (ROccS)

The Radiation & Occupational Safety (ROccS) Program works to ensure UTMB employees, students, patients, and visitors are free from recognized safety & health hazards.   ROccS works to ensure that UTMB is in compliance with regulations and recommendations for the use of radioactive materials, X-rays, other radiation devices and lasers.  ROccS also provides resources and consultation related to occupational safety issues to ensure a safe work environment for UTMB employees, visitors and staff.  Services include but are not limited to chemical safety, hazard exposure monitoring (chemical, noise, etc.), hazard communication act training, respirator fit testing, and food safety inspections.  The program supports the Radiation Safety Committee, Radioactive Drug Research Committee, Chemical Safety Committee and has representation on the General Safety Committee and subcommittees of the Environment of Care. 

To view the Radiation & Occupational Safety Program Service Level Agreement, click this link: ROccS Service Level Agreement.

Contact Us

Radiation Safety: 409.772.2279
Occupational Safety: 409.747.0515

Click the below buttons to access commonly used forms:

 Radiation Safety Forms

Occupational Safety Forms


Radiation Safety services include:

  • Leak tests sealed radioactive sources.
  • Wipe test laboratories where radioactive materials are used.
  • Receives and inspects incoming packages containing radioactive materials.
  • Administers the personnel radiation dosimetry program.
  • Calibrates radiation survey instruments.
  • Approves orders for radioactive materials.
  • Develops and delivers radiation and laser safety training.
  • Oversees packaging, labeling, and documentation for shipping radioactive material off campus.
  • Provides safety oversite of the use of radiation producing machines and lasers.
  • Registering of radiation producing devices with TDSHS
  • Facility evaluations for shielding
  • Performs mandatory audits for radioactive materials
  • Provides consultation, inspection and evaluation services concerning Radiation Safety

Occupational Safety services include:

  • Laboratory Safety Audits
  • Accident investigations and tracking
  • Job Hazard Analysis & PPE Hazard Assessments
  • Near-miss investigations and tracking
  • Ladder, forklift and compressed gas safety
  • Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Permitting
  • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
  • Occupational safety training on a wide variety of topics
  • Food Safety & Water Quality
  • Construction Safety
  • Drone Use Permitting (Click here to submit a request to operate a drone)