Contractor must keep accurate records (i.e., receipts, copies of analytical results, etc.) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Contractor must keep accurate records (such as receipts, copies of analytical results, etc.) indicating proper disposal of spilled materials in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. No substance may be dumped or leaked onto the ground or allowed to run-off of a construction site that might cause pollution. Be aware that Contractor is responsible for pollutant contaminated run-off and proper disposal of all waste materials generated as a result of Contractor's activities.
The following requirements are applicable to the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston ("UTMB") construction activities which disturb one (1) or more acres of land.
UTMB is permitted as a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for storm water discharges into Galveston Bay. By practical terms, UTMB is responsible for storm water runoff quality from
the storm sewer system drainage adjacent to Dockside Utility building and conveyances within UTMB property boundaries. UTMB's permit authorization includes coverage for storm water discharges from constructions sites under the following permit conditions.
The Architect, Engineer, and/or Civil Engineering Consultant ("Architect") is responsible for the development of post-construction runoff controls and the site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) drawings and booklet.
Questions pertaining to SWPPP or storm water permit requirements shall be addressed to the Storm Water Team at (409)747-0515.