Welcome and thank you for visiting Employee Advisory Council (EAC)

The Employee Advisory Council (EAC) is a group of employees who serve as a representative body for all Classified, Administrative & Professional (A&P) and Non-Teaching staff within UTMB.  The EAC is sponsored and endorsed by the Office of the President and was formed to provide a forum for employees to ask questions, express their opinions, suggestions, concerns, and ideas to leadership and to collaborate on improving the workplace environment. In addition, it serves as a focus group/advisory panel by providing a feedback loop on broad issues and potential new programs that can impact UTMB employees.

The EAC is composed of employees from different areas and levels within UTMB and a Human Resource Advisor.  The representatives are appointed by the UTMB President, and they serve for a two-year term.  The EAC is led by a consultant who oversees activities and serves as the main point of contact with UTMB leadership.

Some of the benefits of having an EAC include increased employee engagement, improved communication between employees and leadership, enhanced morale and job satisfaction, and the ability to identify and address workplace issues.

The EAC is a valuable resource for both employees and leaders, as it provides a structured approach for employees to express their opinions and collaborate with the UTMB leadership to improve the workplace environment.

Employee Advisory Council (EAC)

Academic Enterprise

Correctional Managed Care

Hospitals & Clinics

Institutional Support

EAC Guidelines

  • Article I: Identification

    Section A: Name and Nature

    The name of this organization is the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (hereinafter “UTMB”) Employee Advisory Council (hereinafter “EAC”). It is created pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System (hereinafter “U. T. System”). It is advisory in nature and its intent is to represent the staff of UTMB.

    Section B: Purpose and Function

    The EAC is sponsored and endorsed by the UTMB Office of the President and exists to define, analyze, and make recommendations on employee issues to the appropriate body via bidirectional communications and dialog on behalf of all staff. Members of the EAC promote a positive and collaborative work environment that is committed to assessing, prioritizing and communicating employee needs. They also serve as a focus group/advisory panel by providing a feedback loop on broad issues and potential new programs that can impact UTMB Classified Staff and A&P Positions.

    Section C: Definition of Staff

    For the purposes of these Organizational Guidelines (hereinafter "guidelines") "staff" shall be defined as all full-time, non-faculty, benefits eligible employees who are in good standing and have been employed with UTMB for at least one full year. The EAC Advisor from Human Resources will provide verification of eligibility and will notify the Consultant of the EAC if, at any time during a term, an EAC member becomes ineligible to serve as a member.

    Section D: Role of UTMB President

    1. Serves as sponsor of the EAC;
    2. Endorses, supports and promotes the purpose and activities of the EAC;
    3. Solicits feedback from EAC members on issues that impact Classified, A&P, and Non-Teaching Staff, excluding Residents;
    4. Responds to concerns, issues, and recommendations from the EAC and triages concerns and questions to appropriate leaders;
    5. Determines if decision(s) making needs to be done by designee(s);
    6. May designate a senior leadership representative to serve on behalf of the President.
  • Article II: Membership

    Section A: Eligibility

    All UTMB staff, as defined in Article I, Section C, shall be eligible for appointment to the EAC.

    Section B: Appointment

    The institution representatives will be appointed by the Office of the President, selected from nominees presented by entity leaders and/or their designee, from the ranks of Classified or A&P staff, and Non-Teaching Staff, excluding Residents.

    Those appointed and their supervisor(s) should be aware of the time commitment required of service on the EAC. While the council meeting are scheduled each month, special sub-committees, campus events and/or other designated events could require additional time of EAC members. These “extra” events are identified as mandatory or voluntary, and the EAC member is responsible for communicating and gaining the approval of his or her supervisor in advance of committing to the event.

    Section C: Terms of Office

    The appointed representatives serve as members of the EAC for a two fiscal year term. Representatives are permitted to serve their full terms on the EAC so long as they remain eligible employees. The term of membership coincides with the University of Texas System fiscal year - September 1 to August 31. New representatives will begin service with the first meeting of the year (September of each year).

    Section D: Vacancies

    For members who vacate their position prior to completion of their term, the EAC may request that another representative from that entity be appointed to serve the duration of the vacated term. The entity leader and/or designee will nominate the new member. Their membership would be contingent upon approval by the Office of the President. Any new member must be selected within 30 days of the resignation creating the vacancy.

    Section E: Attendance

    If a member misses three (3) meetings in a rolling year (12 month span starting with first meeting missed), the membership will vote, by majority vote to determine whether this member should or should not continue serving. If it is decided that the EAC member should discontinue serving because of attendance concerns, the Consultant will contact the individual via written correspondence of the EAC’s decision. The EAC Consultant shall take attendance at each meeting and notify the EAC of a member’s absence after two meetings. The Consultant will notify the member prior to the third absence.

    Section F: Duties - council members, consultant, advisor

    EAC Members are expected to:

    1. Attend all meetings and complete assigned action items from committee and EAC meetings;
    2. Actively participate in discussions and vote on motions made in EAC meetings;
    3. Provide a vehicle for communication of interests, concerns and issues that affect staff at all UTMB locations;
    4. Solicit staff concerns prior to EAC meetings and promptly present recommendations to the EAC Executive Committee. The EAC Executive Committee/Consultant/Advisor will then determine when/if appropriate to present to UTMB President and/or senior leadership;
    5. Ensure that communication of outcomes is disseminated to the appropriate entity or individual.

    Consultant and Advisor:

    There are two standing, non-voting positions/appointees: Office of the President representative (hereinafter “Consultant”) and Human Resources representative (hereinafter “Advisor”).

    The Advisor is required to:

    1. Attend and participate in meetings;
    2. Facilitate the group’s success;
    3. Provide institutional perspective and linkage to existing processes and protocols.

    The Consultant is required to:

    1. Attend and participate in meetings; schedule meeting dates; secure locations for each meeting; open virtual meetings; record EAC members’ attendance; and advise the EAC of any member who has two absences;
    2. Facilitate the group’s success; develop EAC scorecard to annual goals; provide institutional perspective and linkage to existing processes and protocols;
    3. Serve as a member representing EAC on institutional committees, as appointed or requested by the Office of the President;
    4. Manage files for retention on EAC One Drive;
    5. Respond to concerns, issues, and recommendations submitted to the EAC Inbox and triage concerns and questions to appropriate leaders;
    6. Maintain the budget aspects of the EAC;
    7. Manage/update EAC website/blog;
    8. Create, and distribute each year, immediately following appointments, a roster of the membership and contact information;
    9. Maintain and update a calendar of events relevant to the EAC for the coming year; facilitate EAC attendance at events and meetings; and promote EAC services to employees, including site visits to off campus locations;
    10. Lead, coordinate, and assist in the development and execution of employee recognition events;
    11. Prepare a written annual report of the past year’s activities and progress, making it available to all members of the EAC prior to the August meeting;
    12. Serve as liaison to the President of UTMB, keeping the President informed regarding concerns of the Council and seeking the President’s support and advice, on behalf of the EAC.
    13. Partner with Human Resources to advance people, programs and initiatives.

    Section G: Members

    For purposes of these guidelines, "members" shall mean all representatives who are attending a meeting of the EAC or a committee.

  • Article III: Organization

    Section A: Mode of Operation

    1. Each EAC will adopt procedures for calling and managing meetings and ensuring a quorum;
    2. Records of proceedings will be maintained and reported to the President, when required.

    Roberts’ Rules of Order shall serve as the standard of conduct of EAC meetings on matters not covered by the EAC Guidelines.

    Section B: University of Texas System Employee Advisory Council

    The University of Texas System EAC is a representative advisory group that works with, and on behalf of, The University of Texas System. Each year the University of Texas System EAC meets with the Board of Regents to present information and make recommendations regarding issues of importance to the employees of UT System. Two delegates and one alternate represent each campus.

    1. The delegates will be appointed from the Office of the President, selected from the ranks of Classified or A&P staff, and Non-Teaching Staff, excluding Residents. The alternate will be appointed from the Office of the President, selected from the EAC members. If requested, nominees for the appointed positions may be offered by the EAC;
    2. The UTMB liaisons serve as members of the UT System EAC for three fiscal-year terms. Alternates serve as members of the UT System EAC for a one-year term. The alternate may attend meetings in the event that one of the representatives is unable to do so.

    University of Texas System EAC Delegates:

    There are two standing non-voting positions/appointees: First Delegate and Second Delegate. They are required to:

    1. Attend and participate in meetings;
    2. Present the recommendations and requests of the UT System EAC to the appropriate body or individual for response in accordance with these guidelines and to coordinate all responses and requests back to the U.T. System EAC;
    3. Advise the EAC on UTMB policies and issues that may have an impact on issues under consideration by the U.T. System EAC.

    Section C: Executive Committee

    1. The Executive Committee is composed of the elected leaders for each entity, Consultant and Advisor;
    2. The Executive Committee sets the agenda for EAC meetings and recommends changes in the guidance and direction for the EAC;

    Section D: Ad Hoc Committees

    Ad hoc committees may be appointed to assist the EAC with its work. Ad hoc committees may include UTMB’s EAC representatives or staff employees who are not EAC representatives. Ad hoc committee organization and constituency should be determined by the nature of the task. The following guidelines should be observed:

    1. The EAC Consultant appoints the chair of any EAC ad hoc committee. The chair of the ad hoc committee shall be a current EAC representative;
    2. The ad hoc chair, with input from the EAC, selects the membership of the ad hoc committee;
    3. The EAC members will ratify the creation and membership of all ad hoc committees;
    4. Ad hoc committees must submit written reports to the EAC at least annually for the duration of their existence;
    5. The Executive Committee should review the operation and effectiveness of the EAC’s ad hoc committees annually and consider alternatives for securing outside expertise.

    The ad hoc committee may research, analyze, and deliberate issues and develop recommendations and/or action plans for review by the EAC.

    Section E: Meetings

    1. The EAC meets in regular session as needed; EAC members may attend in person or via TEAMS;
    2. Special meetings of the EAC may be called at any time by the EAC Consultant;
    3. Any such call must specify the matter(s) to be acted on at the special meeting and only such matter(s) may be acted on at the special meeting;
    4. Notice of the regular EAC meetings shall be sent by email to each representative in a timely manner. A quorum must be present for a meeting of the EAC to convene and conduct business.

    Section F: Quorum

    For purposes of these guidelines, a quorum exists if the number of members exceeds one-half of the total number of representatives eligible to serve on the EAC.

    Section G: Voting

    1. Each EAC representative may cast only one vote on each motion, amendment, ballot, or other question raised for consideration. Members may vote via other means (e.g. telephone or internet) if deemed appropriate by the EAC Executive Committee;
    2. Unless otherwise specified in these guidelines, a simple majority of the votes cast shall carry the vote.

    Section H: EAC Guideline Amendments

    1. Proposed amendments to the EAC guidelines should be provided to the EAC in writing, which includes email, at least thirty (30) days before the EAC meeting at which the vote on the amendments are to be taken. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present is required for passage of the amendment(s);
    2. Proposed amendments to the guidelines also may be adopted with less than thirty (30) days advance written notice by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the members present;
    3. Upon majority vote, recommendations shall be provided to the President/Designee for final approval.

    Amendments are effective upon the date of approval by the President/Designee.

    Section I: EAC Recommendations

    The EAC may make recommendations on general institutional policies/programs but does not act on personnel or individual issues. The EAC may advise on specific institutional issues and otherwise act at the request of the President. The EAC functions in an advisory capacity. The EAC will keep staff members informed and, in turn, keep the President and leadership informed of the needs and interests of staff on issues and activities affecting them.

    Recommendations to the President must include the following:

    1. A clear definition of the issue that is the subject of the recommendation;
    2. Proposed actions for the resolution of the issue. The tone and substance of the recommendations should be in keeping with the purpose of the EAC as defined in Article I, Section B of these Guidelines.

    All recommendations must be submitted in writing and have the majority approval of the EAC.

    1. In-scope issues (examples)
      • Directives from UTMB Leadership
      • System-Wide Institutional Programs and Processes
      • Service as representative of Classified staff, Administrative & Professional, and Non-Teaching Staff, excluding Residents, on institutional programs and issues.
      • UT-System strategic priorities that drive the culture of all member institutions
    2. Out of scope issues (examples)
      • Disaster preparedness
      • Disciplinary and performance issues
      • UT/Regulatory/Legislative Mandates (examples: U.T. System Benefits, Legislative across-the-board pay raises or holiday time allotments)
      • Individual personnel complaints
      • Issues that duplicate existing processes and protocols that work
      • Compensation issues

    Section J: Records

    All EAC historical records will be maintained on the UTMB document repository in One Drive.

  • Article IV: Entity Leaders

    Section A: Entity Leaders

    Entity Leaders of the EAC include elected leaders from each entity.

    Section B: Nomination of Entity Leaders

    1. Eligible representatives who wish to seek a leadership role, or who wish to nominate another representative for office, should so notify the EAC members at least thirty days before the EAC meeting in which the elections are held;
    2. The current EAC Chair should notify the membership of the candidates for the positions of the upcoming officers and provide their biographical information, interests, and qualifications before the EAC meeting in which the elections are to be held.

    Section C: Election of Entity Leaders

    1. Leaders are to be elected for one-year terms at elections held at the last regular meeting of the fiscal year. Each officer shall serve until his or her successor is elected. Leaders are permitted to serve their full terms of office on the condition that they remain eligible employees;
    2. At any EAC meeting at which an election for leaders is held, each announced candidate for the positions shall have the opportunity to address the membership in an open meeting to present his or her qualifications for the position;
    3. Nominations for leaders may also be made from the floor by any member of the EAC, and each candidate so nominated shall have the opportunity to address the membership in an open meeting to present his or her qualifications for the position;
    4. Once the Consultant has declared the nominations closed, the election for leaders is conducted by secret ballot. The ballots are tallied, and the Consultant announces the results. A simple majority of the votes of the members present and voting is required to elect the leaders;
    5. If no candidate receives a simple majority of votes in the first round of balloting, a run-off election shall be held among the smallest number of candidates who cumulatively received a simple majority of the total votes. Balloting will continue in this manner until one candidate receives a simple majority of the total votes.

    The incoming Entity Leaders assume their offices at the beginning of the new fiscal year.

    Section D: Removal of Entity Leaders

    An Entity Leader may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the EAC in a regular or special meeting. A leader who is removed will be permitted to continue as an EAC member for the remainder of his or her term.

    Section F: Entity Leader Position Vacancies

    Should the Entity Leader resign or become unable to serve due to termination of employment, removal, death or other cause, a special election will be held at the next EAC meeting to fill the vacancy, with nominations being accepted from the floor. Elections shall proceed as set forth above in Section C of this Article. Leaders may be elected to serve two consecutive fiscal-year terms only.

  • Article V – Representative Structure

    Section A: UTMB EAC Representative Structure

    Academic Enterprise (4 representatives)

    • Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
    • Research
    • School of Health Professions
    • John Sealy School of Medicine
    • School of Nursing
    • School of Public and Population Health
    • Academic Systems
    • Other areas reporting directly to Academic Enterprise

    Correctional Managed Care (CMC) (7 representatives)

    • All facilities contracted by CMC (Region 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Regional Support and Texas Juvenile Justice Department)

    Hospitals and Clinics (5 representatives)

    • Ambulatory Clinics (Galveston, Mainland, RMCHP, WIC)
    • Hospitals (John Sealy Hospital, Jennie Sealy Hospital, League City Hospital, Angleton Danbury Hospital, Clear Lake Hospital, Hospital Galveston)

    Institutional Support (2 representatives)

    • Audit
    • Business Operations & Facilities (BOF)
    • Development
    • Health Policy and Legislative Affairs
    • Human Resources
    • Information Services
    • Institutional Finance
    • Legal and Regulatory Affairs
    • Marketing and Communications
    • Office of the President
    • Police
    • Strategic Management and Business Development
    • Telemedicine and Health Innovations
    • University Conferences and Events
    • Other areas reporting directly to Institutional Support