2024 APAMSA Health Screening Event

Oct 25, 2024, 10:06 AM by Wei-Chen Lee

This past Saturday, October 19th, medical student volunteers from APAMSA (Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association) at UTMB screened patients at the Hong Kong Food Market in Bellaire for hepatitis B, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. This event took several months in planning and would not have been possible without the support of our incredible APAMSA volunteers, the guidance of various physicians involved in the process, and community members. In total, 27 patients were screened over the course of the event.


Angela Zhang, MS1, and Arman Chowdhury, MS1, drawing blood samples under the supervision of David Wang, MS4.

Alexander David, MS1 (left behind Joy) and Kurtis Alfafara, MS1 (right with gloves), testing the blood glucose of a patient under the supervision of Joy Li, MS2 (middle behind Kurtis). 

Chris Hsu, MS1; Peter Wang, MS4; and Justin Li, MS2, checking patients in for screening.

Tommy Phan, MS2, and Julia Ding, MS1, educating patients on disease management and prevention.

We wish to give a special thanks to the following:

-   Dr. Jong Lee for supervising the planning process for this event.

-   Dr. Sallam and Alice Williams for providing the materials for glucose and HgA1c testing.

-   Dr. Sagar Kamprath for supervising the event at Hong Kong Market

-   Chris Doan, MS4, and David Wang, MS4, for mentoring us during the planning and running of the event

-   Jessica Ngo, MS4, for providing us with materials for patient education

-   Hong Kong Market for allowing us to use their space.

-   National APAMSA for providing us with the grant to secure funding for the event