Reaching Across the Globe

Welcome to the UTMB Center for Tropical Diseases. I invite you to browse through our web pages and hope you will be challenged and encouraged by what you see. The CTD was established in 1994 through the remarkable vision and outstanding leadership of David Walker, former Chair of Pathology at UTMB. The Center has grown so that there are now more than 100 affiliated faculty at UTMB, and we have a large number of partners at international sites throughout the world.

The Center for Tropical Diseases is about people – people who are dedicated to the mission of impacting tropical diseases through research, education, and service, and people who will benefit from the application of this expertise. The Center includes a large cadre of investigators with demonstrated expertise in research or training in diseases that affect the tropics and resource-poor areas of the world. It is my hope that we collectively bring our intellect, expertise and compassion to those who most need it.

Peter C. Melby, MD
Director, Center for Tropical Diseases
Director, Division of Infectious Diseases
Professor, Internal Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Microbiology and Immunology and Pathology