Example Records Retention Schedule
The Records Retention Schedule has 12 Fields of information. Each Field is explained below:
Field 1: The Comptroller of Public Accounts has assigned each Texas State Agency and University an Agency Code Number. UTMB's agency code number is 723.
Field 2: UTMB's full name is listed here, as well as department name and records management assigned number (RMAN).
Field 3: The Agency Item Number (AIN) is a unique 6 digit number assigned to every record on the Records Retention Schedule. Each AIN will begin with the 4 digit department RMAN number, and will be followed by a 2 digit number starting
with 01 and will continue in sequence for the remaining number of records listed on that department's retention schedule.
Field 4: The Records Series Item Number (RSIN) is a set of numbers created by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) to classify commonly used records into categories. This number is used as a way to verify our records
have met the minimum retention periods outlined in the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS) and the University Records Retention Schedule (URRS), which is a part of the Texas Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 6, Section 6.10. Any number
set that includes a letter is a UTMB program specific record, and is not listed on the RRS or URRS.
Field 5/6: The official Record Series Title and description of that record category.
Field 7: The Retention Code or trigger event to start the retention period time frame. Reference the Retention Codes at the bottom of the page for descriptions of the acronyms.
Field 8: Retention Period, or the minimum length of time you are required to keep these records.
Field 9: AC Definition specifically defines what "closure" means to this record category to trigger the retention time frame to begin.
Field 10: If the record category is marked with an Archival Coding "O" or "I" the University Archivist will need to review the records before they are destroyed for possible historic value. "O" = Review. "I" = Retain in Archives.
Field 11/12: Remarks section lists any statutory references, legal citations, or policies that are used as a basis for the retention period. It is also a place to list any additional information or caution notes that might assist a department
properly manage the record category.