Applying Syndemics Theory to Improve Reproductive and Pregnancy Health
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Location: Marie Hall, 4th floor, SHP/SON Bldg and via Microsoft Teams
Presented by
Brandie DePaoli Taylor, PhD
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Division of Basic Science and Translational Research
Brandie DePaoli Taylor, PhD discussed new ways of improving reproductive and pregnancy health by exploring interactions between diseases and social conditions through the application of syndemics theory.
Dr. DePaoli Taylor received her PhD in reproductive epidemiology from the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh and completed her postdoctoral training in perinatal epidemiology. Her research program, which has been funded by NIH, HRSA, and foundational grants, focuses on improving reproductive health in the population. More recently, her research has focused on social inequality and nativity on risk of reproductive and obstetric complications.