Haiping Hao is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston. He is the Director of the UTMB Molecular Genomics Facility and has been working in the NextGen Sequencing and Genomics field since 2003. Prior to
joining UTMB, he was the Associate Director of Sequencing, R&D, ReOpen Diagnostics LLC. In that capacity, he supervised technology development and production covid sequencing. Before that, he was director of Johns Hopkins Microarray
Core/Deep Sequencing Core/ Deep Sequencing and Transcriptomics Core from 2007 to 2020. There he led the transition from microarray centric facility to NextGen Sequencing and expanded service to encompass short read sequencing, PacBio SMRTsequencing,
and as well as Oxford Nanopore long read sequencing. For over 15 years he has designed, implemented, and performed sequencing and data analysis spaning RNAseq, DNA seq, ChIPseq, ATACseq, HiC sequencing, single cell RNAseq and many more.
Phone: (409)772-6349
Email: hahao@utmb.edu
Link: https://bmb.utmb.edu/people/faculty/bios/hao