
Mission Statement

To provide the University of Texas Medical Branch with a safe, productive and energy efficient work environment. This is accomplished by the production and distribution of utilities from district energy plants, providing engineering and technical support to Facilities and Campus Services thru the application of sound economic and business practices.

 Ideas for energy savings​!

Business Operations and Facilities has established an Energy Savings Committee with the Institution's shared goal of saving over $500K in energy savings in FY20. Although BOF is leading this goal, it is all of UTMB's responsibility to become more energy efficient. We are looking for your help across the campus in determining ways to save energy. To that end, we are working on several projects to reduce energy from converting to LED lighting to temperature setbacks in unoccupied space.​

For example, we had a recent submission that suggested shutting off power and HVAC to several unoccupied spaces. This one suggestion alone has the potential savings of approximately $100K for the year.

We need YOUR help identifying more great opportunities like this one to save energy! We have made it easy for you to make suggestions and would like you to use the following link to do so.​


Contact Information

John Colin Hartwell, MBA, MS, CHFM

(832) 257-7134

Kathy Howard

Sr. Business Coordinator
(281) 468-6598

District Energy Operations

Sean Finegan

Program Director
(409) 750-1332

Utilities Business Operations

Amanda Robinson

Director, Facilities and Administrative Services 
(409) 772-4170

Kathy Howard

Sr. Business Coordinator
(281) 468-6598


BOF IT Technical Support

Mary Jo Urbani

Sr. Business Analyst