Welcome to Our Residency Program
Chairman's Message
Welcome to the Department of Anesthesiology at The University of Texas
Medical Branch. Our Department is a unique learning community that provides state-of-the-art anesthetic care for our patients. Our residents and faculty work with each other, with medical students, and with members of other departments at UTMB to
maintain our learning community. We share existing knowledge and experience to provide outstanding patient care and our teams of outstanding basic and clinical scientists generate exciting new knowledge. The sense of community in our department is unusually strong. Our faculty, residents, CRNA’s and support staff work together as colleagues. UTMB medical students share in our community. Many of our students choose electives in Anesthesiology. Many
UTMB medical students subsequently choose anesthesiology as a career and many of those students choose to remain with us for their residency... read more
Thong Nguyen, MD-Marvin Cohen Award
Yuri Volnov, MD-Harvey C. Slocum Memorial Award
Ahmed Mohsen, MD-Laura Bragg McDaniel Teaching Award
Axel Rodriguez, MD-JSSOM Commitment to the Art of Medicine Award
Brita Mittal, MD-James F. Arens Award
Craig Peiris, MD - Outstanding PG-1 (St. Joe's)
Elizabeth Nguyen, MD-Marvin Cohen Award
Erin Vigil, MD-Outstanding PG-1 (UTMB)
Kristine Lane, MD-Research Award
Michael Wen, MD-Charles R. Allen Outstanding Resident Award
Nicholas DeFillipis, MD-AMC Clinician of the Month (Feb 23)
Preethi Gampala, MD-Outstanding PG-3
Richesh Guragain, MD-The Daneshvari R. Solanki Award
Siyun Xie, MD-Michael Kinsky QI Award
Steven Roberts, MD-Lee Woodson Award
Thong Nguyen, MD-Marvin Cohen Award
Yuri Volnov, MD-Harvey C. Slocum Memorial Award
Ahmed Mohsen, MD-Laura Bragg McDaniel Teaching Award
Axel Rodriguez, MD-JSSOM Commitment to the Art of Medicine Award