Accessibility Tip of the Day - Tutorial (slide view)


Join us on a journey of discovery as we share daily tips and insights into digital a11y (a11y - pronounced accessibility- or a-eleven-y), disability awareness, tips and tricks, and more!

A11y Tips - Tutorial view

Read one day at a time. Use the numbers below to move through each day.

Day 01: What does A11y mean?

A11y is a special type of abbreviation called a numeronym, for the word accessibility.  Using a11y is a way to simplify the word and keep the meaning (and it's much easier to type!)

  • There are 11 letters between the A and the y, so Accessibility becomes A11y.
  • It can be pronounced as "accessibility," "a-eleven-ty" or "a-eleven-y" and is commonly used in the context of digital accessibility. Generally we will use the direct pronunciation of "accessibility."
  • Another example of a numeronym is i18n for internationalization (there are 18 letters between the i and the n!)


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