Day 88: Did you know? Accessibility Conformance Report

An Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) is a completed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) - which details the accessibility of Information and Communication software and services and their conformance to the Revised 508 Standards.

Best practices:

  • ACR and VPAT are often used interchangeably, some companies complete the VPAT and then publish that rather than calling it a an ACR.
  • Request an ACR or VPAT® when evaluating, renewing, or purchasing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This will enable the accessibility features and compliance to be evaluated along with the product's other offerings. (Look for sections that report "Does Not Conform" or "Partially Conforms" these point to inaccessible features.)
  • Review the document. Having a document doesn't mean that the product is accessible.  How accessible the product is, or isn't will be detailed in the document. (some of them are over 20 years old!)


  • Knowing the accessibility features and limitations of software packages.
  • Just asking for these reports will help move accessibility forward.  The have been required by many agencies for years, but unless someone asks, often they are considered low priority. You can help improve accessibility simply by asking!


Have digital accessibility questions or site feedback?  Email the digital accessibility team.