Day 63: What's wrong 'Click here' links?

What's wrong with using Click here, Read More, Learn more, or similar hyperlink (link) text?

Users need to understand the purpose of each link they encounter so they can decide if they want to follow that link:

  • Understanding where a Click here-style link might take you requires context and may require a user to re-read the paragraph or section in order to get that context.
  • Screen reader users often scan a page by link, so the use of a vague link title with no concrete description will be ineffective and prevent meaningful navigation.
  • Using a Click here-style link also means there may be multiple hyperlinks on a page with the same title (but may all go to different locations) further adding confusion and reducing overall readability of the page.

Quick Check: Read just the link text out loud. Is it clear what selecting the link will do?

Example: A page with only Read More links, would be read by the screen reader, "Link: Read More, Link: Read More, Link: Read More, Link: Read More." It's impossible to know what selecting the link will do, or which link is the correct link.

Relates to: WCAG 2.4 4 Link Purpose


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